Aya Vs. The Big Boys


Episode Summary

Kevin and Aya kill 2020 dead, once and for all, with the first annual Golden Boys awards ceremony!

Episode Notes

As far as years go, we can collectively agree that 2020 was the ugliest piece of shit of them all. Not only did everything go poorly, but the movies? Not even good! Kevin & Aya waded through the muck to present their top 3 films of 2020, the rare gems in a field of shit, handing out trophies for their esteemed Bronze Boy, sacred Silver Boy, and the coveted Golden Boy: the best film of the year.


The duo vibe checks the past 8 months of AYA VS. THE BIG BOYS, determine the hottest of the 30 flicks they've covered so far, and set their sights on what they think is the definitive Big Boy of 2020.


Merry-Go-Round Magazine's 20 Films For 2020: https://bit.ly/38ODxk3


Aya Lehman: https://twitter.com/ayalhmn

Kevin Cookman: https://twitter.com/KevinCookman

Contact/Mailbag: ayavsthebigboys@gmail.com


A Merry-Go-Round Magazine Podcast: https://merrygoroundmagazine.com/

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