Aya Vs. The Big Boys


Episode Summary

Kevin and A(SMR)ya wrap 2021's Pride programming with Xavier Dolan's MOMMY (2014).

Episode Notes

AYA VS. THE BIG BOYS vs. MOMMY.... How Freudian!


Closing out June's Pride programming double feature is Xavier Dolan's explosive, Tumblr-friendly MOMMY, one of the most discussed & adored films of the 2010s.... Until it suddenly became one of the decade's forgotten smash hits. Huh? How'd that happen?


Young men making movies in their 20s, MOMMY's huge year amongst film bros and subsequent burial from the critical consciousness, and Dolan's bizarre choice to inject dystopian sci-fi in a domestic drama. Also, the duo answers once and for all: why is Xavier Dolan in IT: CHAPTER TWO?

Your speakers are fine, Aya has just become an NPR Andy. Who is Aya hiding from? Is there someone in the house? Aya?..... AYA???


Aya Lehman: https://twitter.com/ayalhmn

Kevin Cookman: https://twitter.com/KevinCookman

Contact/Mailbag: ayavsthebigboys@gmail.com


A Merry-Go-Round Magazine Podcast: https://merrygoroundmagazine.com/

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