Aya Vs. The Big Boys


Episode Summary

Aya and Kevin take on THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE (1974).

Episode Notes

"I just can't take no pleasure in killing. There's just some things you gotta do. Don't mean you have to like it." 

The grossest, bleakest slasher movie ever made had a revival at the Mission Tiki Drive-in Theater hosted by Beyond Fest  and it was a perfect opportunity for our duo to catch it as it was meant to be seen. Beyond Fest is notorious for attracting the absolute worst film bros in the world, how did it hold up in a socially distanced setting? How does one of the oldest, most bare-bones horror movies hold up in 2020? Should Q&As still exist after Coronavirus is finally over? These questions and more are explored on this episode! 


Aya Lehman: https://twitter.com/ayalhmn

Kevin Cookman: https://twitter.com/KevinCookman

Contact/Mailbag: ayavsthebigboys@gmail.com


A Merry-Go-Round Magazine Podcast: https://merrygoroundmagazine.com/

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