Aya Vs. The Big Boys


Episode Summary

Aya and Kevin take on THERE WILL BE BLOOD (2007).

Episode Notes

"I do my own podcasting and the boys who podcast for me, podcast for me...I run a family podcast, this is my son and Big Boy,  Kevin." 

On the Mt. Rushmore of Big Boys, it is finally time to talk about Paul Thomas Anderson himself. In this prize-fight, how does PTA's Bush-era epic square up against Aya's assessment? For a film that is barely over a decade old, does it earn the iconic status so often bestowed on it?

Plus, a 31 days of Keanu update! What's not to love?


Aya Lehman: https://twitter.com/ayalhmn

Kevin Cookman: https://twitter.com/KevinCookman

Contact/Mailbag: ayavsthebigboys@gmail.com


A Merry-Go-Round Magazine Podcast: https://merrygoroundmagazine.com/

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