Aya Vs. The Big Boys


Episode Summary

Aya and Kevin take on SCARFACE (1983).

Episode Notes

Aya says hello WITH her little friend Kevin to Brian De Palma's SCARFACE, arguably the "genome" of the bro-cannon from way back in 1983.

SCARFACE exists more as a meme than a film in 2020, but does that excuse its dated cultural depictions? Can you ever get over Al Pacino's Cuban accent? Is SCARFACE the #2 Dad movie? Listen in as Aya takes on Tony Montana and his bros in this quintessential crime epic. 

Oliver Stone was kicking a cocaine habit while writing it, how could it not be fun?!!


Aya Lehman: https://twitter.com/ayalhmn

Kevin Cookman: https://twitter.com/KevinCookman

Contact/Mailbag: ayavsthebigboys@gmail.com


A Merry-Go-Round Magazine Podcast: https://merrygoroundmagazine.com/

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